Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Exercise Review: The Single Arm Dumbbell Lift

Anyone that has lifted for any significant amount of time has no doubt done their fair share of dumbbell exercises....bench press, shoulder press, incline press, chest flies, curls, and the list could go on. These are great exercises and should be included in any weight training program. But, I want to give you a slight variation to try that adds a different element to these common lifts. In your next workout, do your dumbbell exercises one arm at a time. For example, if you're going to do an incline bench press, take just a single dumbbell and do your reps with one arm and then switch it over to the other hand and do them with that arm.

Doing the exercises in this way will still give you the same workload on the targeted muscle group as before, but what you'll find is that your core also becomes very involved with these exercises. The idea behind this is that you are putting your body in an imbalanced state. By doing so, you're forcing your core to work and contract during the lift in order to stabilize the rest of your body. So, in essence, you're killing two birds with one stone by working the intended muscle group while also working your core. It's a win-win situation!

Give it a try and remember to keep pushing and challenging yourself every time you step in the gym!

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