Thursday, August 11, 2011

54" Box Jump - The Box Jump/Chinup Workout

Anybody that knows me knows one thing....I like to jump! Always have. It's a movement that combines explosiveness with maximum power into one quick movement. The workout I've outlined below takes box jumps and pairs them with chinups, an upper body equivalent that focuses on maximum power output. One thing to remember when going through this workout: the key is PROGRESSION. You're going to be doing 8 rounds of jumping and 8 rounds of chinups. With each round you need to go higher and heavier than the round before. The number of reps you can do will naturally decrease....that's ok. This workout is about POWER.

The workout: Superset box jumps with chinups - 8 total rounds. My workout is listed below but you will obviously have to tailor the height/weight to your own abilities. The first two sets of each should be used as a slight warmup with the last six being taken to failure each time. If you can't do bodyweight chinups, use either an assist machine or wrap a band around the chinup bar and use that for assistance.

Box Jumps (height/reps): 36"x12, 39"x10, 42"x9, 45"x8, 48"x7, 51"x5, 54"x2, 54"x1
Chinups (weight/reps): BWx12, 17#x9, 26#x8, 35#x6, 45#x4, 50#x4, 61#x3, 75#x2

Note: To do weighted chinups, use a weight belt and attach kettlebells. If your gym doesn't have kettlebells, you can also use dumbbells or weight plates.

Good luck and have fun with this one! Give it your all and push yourself to the limit with each set.

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