Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Injuries Can Lead to Opportunities

Last week I found out that I had, in fact, fractured a bone in my wrist while playing basketball. Unfortunately, that means being in a cast for the next 8 weeks! One of my first thoughts was...."I'm not going to be able to workout". However, after evaluating the situation and experimenting with different exercises, I now have a new outlook on the next 8 weeks. Yes, my upper body lifting is going to be limited. But, I'm also going to be forced to explore new exercises and new methods to help keep my upper body strong. I will also use the time to focus on my core, conditioning, and lower body strength. In fact, I fully anticipate being in the best cardiovascular condition of my life by the time this cast comes off. And, my core will be stronger than it has ever been before!

Yes, injuries are a drag...no way around it. However, if/when you get hurt try and look at the situation as an opportunity to spend more time conditioning and strengthening the areas of your body that are not effected. Come back from your injury stronger and better than you were before!

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