Saturday, October 22, 2011

Keep It Fresh

I've had a lot of people ask me lately about structuring workouts. A lot of people who work out on their own do 5-6 exercises, three sets of each, 10 reps a piece. As you might imagine, a routine like that could get somewhat boring over time. It doesn't just get boring to you but your muscles also begin to set into a rut. So, let's mix it up! There are several different ways to structure a workout that can provide excellent results while keeping things fresh and exciting! Explore different options such as volume training, cross fit style workouts, high intensity interval training, supersetting, pyramid sets, etc. The options are nearly endless and all of them can provide great benefits when used properly.

If you start to feel like your workouts are getting predictable then mix it up and try something new. Keep your muscles guessing and you'll see the results!

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