Monday, September 19, 2011

Jump Rope: The Double-Under

There are few exercises out there that match the full body benefits of jumping rope. Not only does it help strengthen the calf muscles and shoulders but it's also a great aerobic workout and also increases foot speed and coordination. Personally, I jump rope as a warm up prior to nearly every workout I do and frequently use it as a part of my workout when working lower body and/or conditioning. If you jump rope, I want you to try double-unders next time you pick up your rope. This is a variation that will push you every time. The idea is simple, instead of the rope passing under your feet once every jump, it passes under twice every time your feet leave the ground. In order for this to work successfully a few things have to happen.

- First, you need to get in a good rhythm. Good jump ropers are able to maintain a constant rhythm throughout their set and it's even more important when attempting the double-under.

- Secondly, you are going to need to pick up the speed that the rope is turning. Think about it - if it's passing under your feet once/jump now, it only makes sense that if you want to double that, you're going to need spin the rope faster.

- Finally, you will have to get a little higher off the ground on each jump BUT don't start tucking your knees in an effort to get your feet higher. This will only throw off your rhythm.

It will take some practice but put these three tips together and you'll get it. Start by just trying to do one or two in succession and then work your way up. A great goal to shoot for is doing continuous double jumps for 20 seconds. Rest for 20 seconds and then go again. Repeat that circuit 5 times and you'll be feeling the burn from head to toe! Good luck!

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