Friday, September 2, 2011

Concentration and Focus = Results

When you're weight training are you thinking about what you're doing, about the muscle group being worked? If not, I challenge you to try it next time. I know day dreaming about the weekend or the project you have to finish at work might seem to make the time go by faster. And chatting with your friends or even your trainer might seem to be more entertaining. However, just like anything else in life, when you really concentrate and focus on what you're doing, you will get more out of your workouts. If you're doing a chest press for example, think about the chest muscles contracting, think about pressing your heels into the floor and think about the tight grip you have on either the bar or handle. You'll quickly notice that your form will stay truer for longer that you'll be able to more reps/weight by having your mind engaged in your workout. Good luck!

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