Monday, July 18, 2011

Increasing Your Vertical Leap

All athletes, whether involved in organized sports or simply weekend warriors, want and need the explosiveness that allows one to jump high. That explosiveness has to be trained through a variety of exercises and will take time to develop. Below are a few thoughts on how you can jump higher...and a video of me doing a 52" box jump!

Jumping takes strength from your lower body and core which means you must hit the weights. Squats and Deadlifts are two exercises I would highly recommend that really strengthen the large muscle groups in your lower body and build the power needed to propel yourself into the air.
*Please make sure to consult a professional when learning these lifts. Form is crucial to avoid injury!

The other side of jumping is the "fast twitch" or explosive side that comes from plyometric-style training. Personally, I find jumping rope to be one of the most helpful exercieses as it trains your calf muscles as well builds the ability to get off the floor quickly. Do single leg jumps and double jumps to increase the difficulty level. Other good plyometric exercises include broad jumps and lateral jumps.

Finally, it just takes practice. Jumping requires good form and muscle memory so the best way to improve your vertical is to JUMP...and jump often!

Use the exercises above consistently and you will see a marked improvement in your jumping ability.

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